Shop our selection of Ever Ego hair products.

Optima Beauty Supply is proud to offer a variety of salon-quality Ever Ego hair products. Our selection includes their famed garlic hair mask, known for boosting both shine and hair ego. Established in Italy, these hair products focus on natural ingredients and leave the gimmicks to their competitors. Whether you have virgin locks or colour treated hair, Ever products tame and protect your hair, while restoring its natural lustre and strength.

Why use garlic?

Garlic is a known antibacterial and antifungal ingredient. While regular washing and hygiene are key to scalp health, sometimes it just isn’t enough. Hair brushes, combs, and hot tools can all harbour bacteria, harming your scalp and hair health. Other antibacterial and antifungal ingredients tend to be drying and damaging to your hair. Garlic, on the other hand, offers a natural alternative that is both nourishing and rich in vitamins and minerals that are essential for hair growth.

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